This page aims to give a high level overview of the tools and technologies I’ve worked with. Related tools are grouped together. The descriptions are meant to be brief, follow the links for a dedicated overview of each item, or check the post index to see all posts tagged with that tool’s name.


Languages or frameworks that I'm comfortable developing with.

Utilized as the primary programming language across a wide range of projects.

Secondary programming language used for personal projects. Quick scripts, basic web servers, data scraping and analysis.

Used with React to create some frontends and components.

Developed GraphQL APIs with varying frameworks and SDKs for a number of personal projects.

DevOps / Infrastructure

Orchestration and automation tools I use to configure and manage applications and infrastructure.

Utilized for infrastructure as code and deployment automation.


Maintain local registry with custom images for personal development environment and projects.

Primarily used to provision Ubuntu virtual machines running in Proxmox.

Maintain a cluster to integrate with Nomad for service discovery and configuration management.

Maintain a cluster to run applications and services.